Sleep Stories: How Could We Not Know?
Sleep stories can teach us so much. Here’s a recent one:
I had known her for a couple of years in my writing community — friendly, outgoing, and full of life, like an Energizer Bunny. When she asked about the Great Sleep Program I was developing, I was a little surprised. As she started talking, I noticed that behind her large glasses, her kind eyes looked tired. Very tired.
“I haven’t slept longer than 3–4 hours a night in two decades. I feel so sleepy during the day that I struggle to stay awake when I am talking on the phone, working at my computer, or playing with my grandkids. Yet, thinking of going to bed and trying to sleep makes me anxious since I know I probably won’t fall asleep for hours. I start worrying about sleep before dinner and even hate the sight of my bed. This is my life and has been. I keep busy, trying to be productive so I don’t think about it. I have many blessings, but good sleep isn’t one of them.”
So, this lovely woman became a beta client, testing the Great Sleep program before we offered it to the public. Within the first three weeks, she started having nights when she slept almost 9 hours. She looked different — eyes more focused and present — and felt so much better. She felt less anxious about being in her bed and started to go there earlier to read before sleep. Her brain felt much clearer and, as strange as it is true, she got this brand new idea for a book. Two weeks later, she had written 80 pages of it.
My colleague didn’t realize how much her limited sleep had affected her. Like many of us, we trick ourselves into thinking sleep doesn’t matter or we aren’t as tired as we are. In her words:
“I told myself I just didn’t need that much sleep anymore, but the truth is I was exhausted and just didn’t know how to solve it… Diane truly understands the neurological functions related to sleep, and with a bit of effort on my part and a lot of coaching on hers, I have increased my average sleep to 6–7 hours. A far increase from the barely 4 hours I’d been used to. I have no doubt that my continued use of the practices I’ve learned will see me back at an 8-hour sleep duration. Highly recommend Diane’s program. It solves more than just sleep problems. It’s a whole-body experience!”
P.S. She has decided she doesn’t want her life as busy in the New Year. She wants more time to do less and to enjoy it. She loves reflection time. Her word for the year ahead? “Joy.”
I love my clients and seeing their progress.