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Book Covers: Art, Intuition, Destiny
“It’s beautiful.”
This is usually followed by: “I love it.”
For people who know the story within Brain Dance, another comment is almost universal:
“It’s perfect.”
I totally agree and feel so grateful. I have never loved a piece of art more than that on the cover of Brain Dance. It’s by Duy Huynh.
The story of how this lovely woman’s face came to grace the front jacket of a medical memoir on brain injury, recovery, and applied neuroscience has some curious coincidences.
A Book Cover is More than Meets the Eye
Near the weary last stages of writing, editing, and more editing, my writer friend Melanie Weller and I were texting back and forth about the progress each of us was making on the book goal. She’s a physical therapist and intuitive, and her work is on the vagus nerve.
I was toying with a cover option for Brain Dance, and I wanted Melanie’s opinion. It had been a long journey to get to the point of having something that felt right. I so wanted to be done with all of it.
The cover of a book is crucial from both the personal and public sides. Personally, it’s so grounding if it feels like a fit. And, from the outside, we hope to represent the story or…